Age 7 Months Fetal Development. Fat starts to accumulate, and a fatty substance called verinix cover the skin of the fetus, so the fetus does not get wet in the liquid amnionnya and his body was warm.
Fetal brain function predictably as they develop very rapidly. The surface of the brain becomes wrinkled, which is useful for further developments. About five days after the shrinkage process begins, the nerve cells would be coated by a layer of fat that makes the process of delivering stimulation of jung-ends of nerve cells become faster, easier, and more efficient. Keep in mind, the human brain will experience a golden age during the 7 month old fetus in the womb to the age of 5 years.
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Fetal Development Week 25
Weight fetus has reached about 700 grams with a length from crown to rump is approximately 22 cm. While the distance from the top of the uterus to the pubic symphysis is about 25 cm. If there is a medical indication, serial ultrasound will generally be carried out 2 times a week to see whether the developing fetus is disturbed or not. Which includes medical indications including hypertension or preeclampsia.
Fetal Development Week 26
Capillary blood vessels under the skin tissue of the fetus began to be blooded. Wrinkled skin surface that had slowly become more smooth and slick. Mata has been formed. Similarly, the ears that have been able to listen. The head of the fetus to be smaller than the body (head has been proportional to body size).
In this age of the fetus weighs 850 grams is expected to nearly reach the length of the buttocks and the top of the head about 23 cm. The heartbeat is clearly audible, normally 120-160 beats per minute.
While discomfort in the form of back pain, leg cramps and headaches will more often perceived mother. Likewise, pain under the ribs and lower abdomen, especially when the baby moves. Therefore, the greater the uterus so that will put pressure on all the organs of the body. Including the small intestine, bladder and rectum. Not infrequently, so
pregnant women exposed to constipation, but was forced back and forth to the bathroom because beser.
Fetal Development Week 27
His eyes were open and looked around for the first time. The fetus looks like fetal breathing but actually take water instead of air. This is a good exercise for the lungs.
The fetus now weighs in at over 1000 grams. The total length reaches 34 cm in length butt to the top of the head about 24 cm. In this week's eyelids begin to open. While the retina located at the back of the eye, forming layers that function to receive light and information about lighting it at once forwarded to the brain.
Fetal Development Week 28
Testes baby boy will descend into the scrotal sac. Developing brain tissue. Now you can dream fetus. Top of the uterus is located approximately 8 cm above the navel. Fetal movement is getting stronger with the intensity and more frequently, while his heart rate was more easily heard. Her body still looks thin despite weighed about 1100 grams with a length of 35-38 cm range. Although compared to previous weeks fuller with the increased amount of fat under the skin that look red. The amount of brain tissue at this gestational age increased. Likewise, growing his hair getting longer. Eyebrows and eyelids was formed, while the original membrane covering the eyeball was gone.
Message for pregnant women
Check with the pregnancy at least 1 time in month 7 in order to determine the position of the baby's head whether it is correct or not (the percentage of the head). If the percentage is not correct, the mother is advised to make efforts to be righted, for example: the mother often nungging.
Noting kosumsi food (quality and quantity) considering the small position should be more frequent due to the mother's abdomen had pressed for the enlarged uterus.
Mothers and families are advised to plan places where the labor and cost required when childbirth memerulukan referral who decides, transport and others]
Mother started practicing push.