Fetal Development Age 1 month. In the first week of fertilization of an egg by sperm, where there is also a process of exchange of chromosomes from the sperm and egg cells that contain the gene carrier of the fetus. At the same time, estrogen and progesterone hormone levels continue to rise, causing changes in the structure and metabolism of the body to support the foster mother fetal. Egg cell fertilized will move toward the uterus.
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On the way from the ovary to the uterus, the egg cell will continue to divide to form a mass of cells, called a blastocyst. After arriving in the uterus,
the blastocyst will attach (implantation) in the wall of the uterus. With the end of it, she would not be getting your period.
Also there is bleeding, which many women perceive as menstrual blood. Bleeding that occurs is the result of the implantation of the egg in the uterine wall. after implantation or attachment of the embryo to the uterine wall, will begin the release of the hormone HCG (to assess the pregnancy test). Part of the embryo that is not attached to the uterus will grow. Spine, tail, ribs, and central nervous system begin to form. Similarly, heart and blood vessel tissue. Will form two holes on the face of the fetus. This hole will be filled by the eye. In the fifth week of the baby's size is now roughly the size of an apple
seed and on this week called the embryo. Your baby already has its own heartbeat.
the placenta and umbilical cord are already working solely on this week. primary brain vesicles begin to form, and the nervous system begins to develop. The heart begins to function and beats, it pumps blood throughout the body of the fetus. The cells begin to form the nucleus of an organ such as the forerunner to the kidneys, lower jaw, the bones of the neck, face, hands, and feet. At the end of the fourth week, the size of the fetus-shaped 1,000 feet larger than the fertilized egg.
In this first month of fetal development, pregnant women should keep the fetus as possible. The fetus is still in the process of initial formation has a weak condition. Therefore, this period is called the critical period.
For mental preparation; first make sure and give support once the husband to the wife that now has received the gift of extraordinary of God (remember to couples who for years have not endowed), which must be kept maintained and cared for (of course this requires a lot of sacrifice, and remind this sacrifice is not easy, the future will be a lot of pregnant women experience changes), for the husband, give him support and attention more than usual, and create a harmonious atmosphere of your home, happy and serene. Keep your wife or help when facing a wide range of pressures and problems. Remind continued, that she is now pregnant,
psychological meaning mother will affect the unborn fetus. Do not forget to keep on praying. Emotional lability changes are already noticeable. Expectant mothers sometimes angry / happy / sad suddenly for no apparent reason. The neighborhood around the pregnant woman should understand and know these conditions. Make a
comfortable conditions for pregnant woman, and do not let the mother unstable emotional condition is getting worse.
For physical preparation, start now
keep the stamina of pregnant women do not get too tired also not too quiet. Get plenty of nutritious food, especially vegetables and fruits, drink plenty of water, drink milk for pregnant women (this was possible 2x daily), take a multivitamin during pregnancy. At this critical time mothers should maintain good physical ith and not to stress. Never hit the abdomen gently, especially hard.
Eating nutritious foods, and start to consult with your obstetrician or midwife.
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