There are so many pregnant women find it difficult to sleep. One reason is that often feel nausea to vomiting in the first trimester and respiratory tightness caused by the stomach that is increasingly enlarged when the third trimester of pregnancy. Although it is relatively normal, but do not let this become a habit. Lack of sleep during pregnancy are at risk for pre-eclampsia, which is a condition in which high blood pressure during their pregnancy. Besides which can cause the baby was born prematurely.
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For pregnant women who experience sleep less than 6 hours every evening during the first trimester of pregnancy have blood pressure at the upper limit of which is higher when compared to pregnant women with sleep patterns every day, more than 7 hours. As a result of such sleep deprivation increases the risk of experiencing your peekslampsia higher. Needs rest for
pregnant mothers is important, but it is very difficult to do.
Though the break has a function for your health and your baby:
1. Regeneration of the cells in the body that have been damaged become new again.
2. Make a smooth back prosuksi good hormones for body growth.
3. Rest the condition of your body that have been tired after a full day activity.
4. Enhance the immune system on the body from various diseases
5. Being able to increase the concentration and physical abilities.
At the time of being pregnant your
body is very labor intensive. You should not force yourself to do the activities when your body begins to feel tired. Lie down and relax for a while or you can sit casually on couches so that the blood flow in your body running smoothly. When you sit down you should add a cushion right in your back and then try your foot does not hang. Moreover meet also the needs of your night's sleep for 7 hours to 9 hours a night for the rest of your body that has conducted activities during the day. Additionally enough sleep at night will make your condition becomes more refreshed when you wake up in the morning. In principle if nighttime sleep needs are met, then the next day will be very well prepared fresh daily routine.
In addition to sleep is also highly
recommended for women who are pregnant, or you can make a break a couple of times during the day because the weather was hot so your body will feel good if a lot of rest. Changes in the body at the end of your pregnancy can cause difficulty sleeping. At the moment you can not go to sleep or feel very anxious at the time was on the bed you can try out some of the practical ways this:
1. If necessary wash using warm water when going to bed. This can help relax the muscles in your body.
2. Try to meminun milk or other hot beverage.
3. There are good you do not lie on your back. You can sleep with facing to the left or right or position in a sense by you quite comfortable.
4. If you have difficulties to get to sleep, you should go to your room early. Before you can do other activities such as reading a book or doing activities that can make your body become releks.