What are pregnancy symptoms after missed period? That’s what every woman’s mind and behind the reason they wanted to learn missed period.
Image Source : http://www.aboutsymptomsblog.com/ |
Every woman in this world is very curious about pregnancy and some opinions that exist in the minds of all women, especially those who have never
experienced a previous pregnancy.
Women who recently married and have sexual intercourse with their spouse, they did some tests to see if they
managed to get pregnant or not. Some women try to be patient while waiting for an answer that can give a little smile, like a missed period.
Missed period is often regarded as
sign that woman has a chance to get pregnant. If you experience it, especially you are a newlywed or have been planning to become pregnant then you can do a pregnancy test. Despite the missed period give negative pregnancy test states and you don’t need to disappoint. Try to take a pregnancy test a week later by using pregnancy test kit or visit to gynecologist and get more accurate result.
Okay, back to the topic discussion. What are pregnancy symptoms after missed period that will be felt by a woman? Well, it could be said that you’re
experiencing early pregnancy and this is something reasonable. Typically, a woman will experience nausea and dizziness, is also commonly experienced by women who experience a missed period.
There’re also symptoms that would be experienced by women prior to miss period, such as:
Your body temperature will decline. You feel less fit and feel dizzy. This is the beginning of conception occurrence in the womb.
Minor bleeding occurrence such as stains or spotting pink and brown. You don’t have to worry if this happens, unless the bleeding is quite a lot.
Lower abdominal cramps and pain will be felt, but it just feels lighter. This is fertilization process and embryo formation.Other pregnancy symptoms after missed period that will be felt by a woman who believed she was pregnant such as:
Stomach feels bloated and nauseous. Usually women will experience it on 2 weeks after conception in the womb.
Breast shape changes where it will enlarged and tender. Your breasts will feel very sensitive especially on the areola area and it will be getting bigger and feels sticky.
Body will be more quickly feel fatigue. On this stage, you have to rest more because the fetus formation process requires more energy.
Vomiting and morning sickness. Abdominal bloating and nausea will make you experience vomiting and morning sickness. If you experienced it then try to drink hot tea to restore your condition.
You will have a tendency to increase appetite, but you prefer certain types of food.
You will have constipation and more frequent urination.
That’s some pregnancy symptoms after missed period that will occur in a woman. These pregnant symptoms often experienced on 1 week to 8 weeks pregnancy. Pregnancy symptoms after missed period will give physically and emotionally changes, but you have to face them with joy because experiencing pregnancy is fun and you really can’t wait to get through each week of pregnancy.
Pregnancy symptoms after missed period, requires you to reduce some activities that are too heavy because it’s entirely possible in
early pregnancy a woman get miscarriage.