8 weeks pregnant symptoms, what would be felt when entering this period? Well, you still will feel some early pregnancy symptoms and your body may still be unfamiliar with side effects pregnant symptoms.
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By this week, you will already feel some changes occur in your body, it is also a good time to do prenatal care or ultrasound to check. You can see the
growth and development of the fetus inside the womb using ultrasound and you will surely be amazed about it.
Some changes that will occur in the body is your stomach will begin to feel a little bigger, it can’t be considered carefully, but if you touch stomach area then will feel a lump, like a tennis ball.
That is caused by uterus enlargement where fetus continues to grow and develop. 8 weeks pregnant symptoms will give an effect on your stomach so you are very susceptible to nausea.
You will still have morning sickness and sense of smell that is still very sensitive. Therefore, your stomach will still feel a bit bloated, nauseated, so you vomit. If you experience this problem then immediately handle it, drink hot tea and keep eating even small meals, you should remember that fetus growth inside the uterus must be maintained.
Keep eating healthy foods and start to stop bad habits such as consuming alcohol but actually you should have to stop drinking alcohol during the first week since you have
pregnancy symptoms.8
weeks pregnant symptoms One of 8 weeks pregnant symptoms will be experienced such as breast enlargement and will feel more sensitive. The areola will be enlarged and darker in color caused by the increased blood circulation and hormonal changes.
Around areola area will feel a little sticky but this is a very reasonable thing to happen.Stomach cramps and pain will be felt but it is also part of 8 weeks pregnant symptoms. There is nothing you need to fear because this is a very normal thing happens to a pregnant woman.
This is caused by uterus growth that keep expand to provide a wider space for fetus development.
8 weeks of pregnancy is a very fun but you should alert also start to feel pregnancy symptoms if that make you pain. Therefore, early in pregnancy you’ve had to check to gynecologist for pregnancy registration and healthy pregnancy records.
By this week, although you often feel nausea but you will be experience increased appetite. Yup, you will be more frequent snacking and indeed this is a very reasonable especially in the condition that you are pregnant.
A pregnant woman is more advisable to increase weight in order to reduce unwanted risks. As snack foods, you can eat fruit or fruit chips and reduce sweetened snacks consumption.
8 weeks pregnant symptoms aren’t only change physically, you also experience emotional changes. You may be more irritable and depressed. All that can be experienced as neighborhood and also the workload are the trigger. It is better to reduce any
incriminating activities and pregnancy would be more fun if you live without anxiety and depression. 8 weeks pregnant symptoms experienced by some women is generally not the same, it all depends on physical and emotional condition. Therefore, you should begin to pay attention to everything that happened to you.